What Does The Deck Say? March 04 2016

Each suit in the Bag of Bones playing card deck tells a visual story progressing from Ace to Ten. A heartwarming lamia, a persistent gardener, a spider’s catch, and a clumsy walker make for quick stories. The court cards stand alone, but have tales for themselves. For those wishing something more pleasant, Artiphany also has decks featuring dogs, kittens, and mermaids.

Today’s cards: 7 of Diamonds, 6 of Hearts, & 7 of Clubs.

Bag of Bones: 7 of Diamonds, 6 of Hearts, & 7 of Clubs.
Bag of Bones: 7 of Diamonds, 6 of Hearts, & 7 of Clubs.

No, it’s not just you. Something has been not right for a very long time. You’re going to have to sit down with pencil and paper to map out just how entangled this web of lies is that you have been given. It may be that the subterfuge is currently beneficial to you and you may not want to cut them away just yet. But more likely, you are being manipulated as a pawn in an even greater game. That game player does not have your best interests at heart. It will be painful to uncover the truth, but the sooner you do, the better off you will be.

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