The Sweeney Tarot was designed to read with reversals. Having the expected 78 cards, one could use any system of meanings with it. However Lee Bradford has put deep thought into the meanings of the Sweeney Tarot, making sure it is approachable by all and without occult or religious concerns that would restrict its audience or use.
Today’s cards: 10 of Cupsrv, The Sun, & Rebirth [XX]rv.
Sweeney Tarot: 10 of Cupsrv, The Sun, & Rebirth [XX]rv.Between you, me, and your internet service provider, let me tell you a secret. Being an adult is some scary shit stuff. It doesn’t matter if you have just turned 18, or if you are about to turn 88. Becoming the person we need to be is daunting and a continual process. Your friends won’t understand what keeps you up late at night, and many of those that you think have the process perfected have only perfected the masks covering their own fear. But, listen. You got this. You know who you need to be, and why. Become that person. Show me your brilliance.
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