What Does The Deck Say? June 24, 2020

Baraja Azteca: 1 Basto, 3 Espadas, & 12 Copas.

Today’s cards: 1 Basto, 3 Espadas, & 12 Copas.

As long as you insist on focusing on your desired ideals and avoiding facing your experienced reality, you will continue to be surprised when your well made plans fall apart at your feet. Let the results of your practice refine your theories.

A Baraja Española deck, the Baraja Azteca is a 48 card deck of playing cards used for such games as Brisca, Tute, and Mus. This 48-card variant of the deck contains four suits; Oros (Coins), Bastos (Clubs), Espadas (Swords), and Copas (Cups). While the deck is made primarily for play, it functions well as a divination tool. Each reader uses their own personal understanding and intuition to interpret the cards.

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