This 39 card deck by Caitlín Matthews and Virginia Lee includes two sets of Man and Woman cards, along with an extra Diviner card. The two sets of Man and Woman allows the reading to be tailored to the circumstances of the Querent. One pair is portrayed with light skin and the other pair is portrayed with dark skin. The unused cards are removed from the deck before shuffling. The Diviner (37) is not required for Lenormand reading. I include it with my throws as it makes an excellent “pay attention to what follows” card.
Today’s cards: Diviner + Man + Coffin.

While any for-hire diviner would love to have regular repeat business, there comes a point when that diviner has to restrain themselves from throwing their tools at you. How many readings have you had about that guy? How many times have you been told the same thing? How often have you confided that you know the relationship has gone south but you want to hold out for just one more day, “just in case he comes around”? Stop it. Stop hurting yourself on his behalf. I don’t want to hear any more questions out of you except for “How can I move on?”.
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