One of many Baraja Española type decks, The Baraja Azteca is a 48 card deck of playing cards used for such games as Brisca, Tute, and Mus. This 48-card variant of the deck contains four suits; Oros (Gold), Bastos (Clubs), Espadas (Swords), and Copas (Cups). While the deck is made primarily for play, it functions well as a divinatory tool. Each reader uses their own personal understanding and intuition to interpret the cards.
Today’s cards: 9 Bastos, 1 Basto, & 1 Oro.

Not only was that unexpected, but the chain of events it will spark will leave a rubble-strewn wake for you to stumble over for quite some time. Feel free to use whatever expletives will help you adjust to the situation, but keep in mind that this does have an end. You just have to be more stubborn than the rocks and reach it.
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