One of many Baraja Española type decks, The Baraja Azteca is a 48 card deck of playing cards used for such games as Brisca, Tute, and Mus. This 48-card variant of the deck contains four suits; Oros (Gold), Bastos (Clubs), Espadas (Swords), and Copas (Cups). While the deck is made primarily for play, it functions well as a divinatory tool. Each reader uses their own personal understanding and intuition to interpret the cards.
Today’s cards: 3 Espadas, 11 Espadas, & 11 Bastos.

This is a good day to not get involved in drama that is not yours. While it appears the two key persons are agreeing on a thing and moving together to get it done, really one is too busy nursing a grudge about how they could have done it better while the other has the better plan but can not tolerate being questioned once decided. Where are you in this? On the sidelines if you can help it, optionally with popcorn. This is not your fight to finish. Stay out of it as best as you can.
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