What Does The Deck Say? January 21 2015

The Legacy of the Divine’s meanings are a reconciliation between Waite and Crowley. While purists of either system will be howling at the mingling of meanings and symbolism, the deck stands for itself and Leisa ReFalo’s meanings have proven themselves over the years.

Today’s cards: Ace of Swords, 3 of Cups, & 9 of Coinsrv.

Legacy of the Divine: Ace of Swords, 3 of Cups, & 9 of Coins reversed.
Legacy of the Divine: Ace of Swords, 3 of Cups, & 9 of Coinsrv.

As things go, it started out with the best of intentions. But somewhere along the way someone was not satisfied to have “enough”. Catch yourself before you allow desire to turn into an impossible mandate. It is okay to admit you like what your friend has. It is not okay to try to shame them for having it because you don’t.

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