One of many Baraja Española type decks, The Baraja Azteca is a 48 card deck of playing cards used for such games as Brisca, Tute, and Mus. This 48-card variant of the deck contains four suits; Oros (Gold), Bastos (Clubs), Espadas (Swords), and Copas (Cups). While the deck is made primarily for play, it functions well as a divinatory tool. Each reader uses their own personal understanding and intuition to interpret the cards.
Today’s cards: 2 Copas, 2 Espadas, & 8 Oros.

You have lost yourself to love and you hope to never be rescued. Before you surrender to the depths of a committed relationship, make sure you aren’t blinding yourself to any evidence that goes counter to your expectations. If you want to be with them through good and bad, then you’ll have to see all of them, both good and bad. So when the uncharted obstacles appear on your map, you and them can flow around it together.
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