The Fey Tarot is the work of Mara Aghem. While the card names mostly track conventional tarot naming, the scenes differ from Pamela Coleman Smith’s renditions. Not all minors display the full pip count of their number. Rather, the scenes are meant to evoke the intuition of the reader rather than depend on long lists of regurgitated meanings.
Today’s cards: The Devil, 7 of Pentacles, & Knave of Swords.

You wanna. You wanna so damn bad, you can taste it. There are a thousand justifications screaming in your ear and your hands itch to begin the thing already. Stop. Hold yourself back a few moments more. Think carefully. You may be justified to do the thing, but is the cost of doing it worth what comes from it? You may be the perfect person to do the thing, but is what you have to give up worth what you might gain? Just because you can do the thing, doesn’t mean you should.
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