What Does The Deck Say? December 8, 2020

Today’s cards: Strength [VIII] (reversed), Page of Cups, & 10 of Wands (reversed).

No photos are available for today’s cards.

There is a time to hold back your strength because it is too much for the task at hand and a time to hold back your strength because it won’t be enough for the task at hand. Those who have not looked at the circumstances will mock you for being weak and cowardly. Step aside and allow them to demonstrate why patience is a virtue.

The Universal Waite is Mary Hanson-Roberts’s recolored rendition of the Waite-Smith deck. Nearly identical lining is softened by gentle coloring. Some faces have been reworked to be more pleasing to the eye. The Universal Waite Tarot is ©US Games Systems, Inc.

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