The Sweeney Tarot was designed to read with reversals. Having the expected 78 cards, one could use any system of meanings with it. However Lee Bradford has put deep thought into the meanings of the Sweeney Tarot, making sure it is approachable by all and without occult or religious concerns that would restrict its audience or use.
Today’s cards: 4 of Wandsrv, The Starrv, & 5 of Swordsrv.

You already know it is not going to work out, but you haven’t quite figured out why. After all, you did follow the instructions to the letter, right? Are you sure those are good instructions. You have been intentionally misled to keep you from working things out to your benefit. You may not be able to make things work out in the end, but for yourself, take down the false advisor that sabotaged you.
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