What Does The Deck Say? August 28, 2020

Wyzard of Odd: Lust [XI], Eight of Wands, & Three of Wands.

Today’s cards: Lust [XI], Eight of Wands, & Three of Wands.

How bad do you want it? Bad enough to use what you have at hand? Bad enough to snatch it into your hand? I suppose warning you about possible consequences would be useless, but keep it in mind all the same. Don’t be so focused on what you want that what you already have is consumed in the pursuit.

Bryan Lahr’s Wyzard of Odd tarot deck is constructed with images of literally smoke and mirrors, and has the margins lined with correspondences from other religious and esoteric practices. The slightly oversize deck is also good for single card contemplation as the images fold onto themselves and the viewer.

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