What Does The Deck Say? August 27 2014

The Legacy of the Divine’s meanings are a reconciliation between Waite and Crowley. While purists of either system will be howling at the mingling of meanings and symbolism, the deck stands for itself and Leisa ReFalo’s meanings have proven themselves over the years.

Today’s cards: Queen of Coins, 4 of Swordsrv, & 2 of Swords.

Legacy of the Divine: Queen of Coins, 4 of Swords reversed, & 2 of Swords.
Legacy of the Divine: Queen of Coins, 4 of Swordsrv, & 2 of Swords.

Time to emerge from your hiding spot. There is business to take care of, and if you hide there any longer, both you and your business will suffer from the lethargy. Assert your control over your business. It may mean knocking some noses out of joint, but if they don’t understand that your boundaries are yours to enforce, that’s not your problem.

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