What Does The Deck Say? August 17 2015

The Fey Tarot is the work of Mara Aghem. While the card names mostly track conventional tarot naming, the scenes differ from Pamela Coleman Smith’s renditions. Not all minors display the full pip count of their number. Rather, the scenes are meant to evoke the intuition of the reader rather than depend on long lists of regurgitated meanings.

Today’s cards: 6 of Chalices, 8 of Swords, & 9 of Pentacles.

The Fey Tarot: 6 of Chalices, 8 of Swords, & 9 of Pentacles.
The Fey Tarot: 6 of Chalices, 8 of Swords, & 9 of Pentacles.

For some, the past is a source of warmth and a storehouse of treasured memories. For others, the past restricts the present and binds them in crippling chains. Either way, it is up to each person to deal with their past, and to find a way to make peace with what happened then, so that they can continue forward into the future of their making.

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