What Does The Deck Say? August 15 2015

The Bosch Tarot is a series of collages based on the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. Using a unique set of meanings that is not derived from Waite, it will sometimes read direct, and sometimes read like a koan. It is a good deck for introspection and examination of internal motives.

Today’s cards: The Devil, 2 of Wands, & 6 of Pentacles.

Bosch Tarot: The Devil, 2 of Wands, & 6 of Pentacles.
Bosch Tarot: The Devil, 2 of Wands, & 6 of Pentacles.

So you lit a bag of dog feces on fire and left it at someone’s front door. Ha. Ha. The cruelty of your pranks is well-known. Keep it up, and you will be “gifted” the same as you have given. When it happens, don’t forget to laugh. It’s all in fun, right?

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