What Does The Deck Say? April 25, 2019

Animalis Os Fortuna: The World [XXI], Two of Swords, & Four of Wands.

Designed and illustrated by Megan Weber under the name of “Zaheroux“, this black and white deck features an animal for each card. Though there are bones in every image, don’t let this deck frighten you. There is wisdom for those who seek it.

Today’s cards: The World [XXI], Two of Swords, & Four of Wands.

You’re starting off from one of the best possible positions. But the burden of choosing your next step from so many possibilities is hampering you and keeping you from moving at all. Lean into the pause. Use it as a respite from what you had to do to get here in the first place. Not leaping at the next shiny thing is a valid choice. Chill a while and pick up what you can from where you are.

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