The Bosch Tarot is a series of collages based on the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. Using a unique set of meanings that is not derived from Waite, it will sometimes read direct, and sometimes read like a koan. It is a good deck for introspection and examination of internal motives.
Today’s cards: The Fool, Queen of Wands, & The High Priestess.

You know that you don’t know, and you’re pretty proud of that ignorance. Wearing it like a badge of honor means actually learning something will take away from your worldly splendor. Here’s a Clue-By-Four for you today. Your willful ignorance is not helping you. Your accolades from the commons is worthless. If you want something of merit, you are going to have to work at it, and work hard at it in secret. Be the seed planted in the dark, so when you burst through with actual understanding, you have something worthwhile to keep.
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