Each suit in the Bag of Bones playing card deck tells a visual story progressing from Ace to Ten. A heartwarming lamia, a persistent gardener, a spider’s catch, and a clumsy walker make for quick stories. The court cards stand alone, but have tales for themselves. For those wishing something more pleasant, Artiphany also has decks featuring dogs, kittens, and mermaids.
Today’s cards: 8 of Clubs, 6 of Hearts, & 2 of Spades.

“Your loyalty to the cause must be absolute. There can be no thought of questioning those honored above you, their experiences, nor their judgement. We are all in this together, and it is only with a unified front can we succeed. Of course, you have personal concerns, but you will be able to be silent about them until we have achieved our main goal, yes?” Sound familiar? The rhetoric is going to get personal today, and you are going to have to choose between obedient loyalty and self-preservation. No matter what choice you make, there will be a schism in your life because of it. Choose the one you can live with.
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