What Does The Deck Say? October 9, 2024
Today’s cards: A yellow fluid in a clear glass against a red background, a green hand holding a glass in which an actively red swirling fluid is moving against a yellow background, and a yellow lit candle standing against a red background. Turn it around and force it to account. If that situation tends towards…
What Does The Deck Say? October 8, 2024
Today’s cards: The Wheel, 7 of Swords, & Knight of Wands. You know the pattern so well that you are able to walk it through with your eyes closed. And you have been. So much so, that you have forgotten to keep watch for a way out. You don’t have to do this again, you…
What Does The Deck Say? October 7, 2024
Today’s cards: Knight of Wands, Page of Wands, & 3 of Coins (reversed). You didn’t get it. You already knew that you weren’t going to get it, so this is no surprise. What you don’t yet know is why you didn’t get it. That piece of information arrives today if you are willing to accept…
What Does The Deck Say? October 3, 2024
Today’s cards: The Empress, The Fool, & Ace of Wands. If you were waiting for a sign to get started, here it is. That thing that you have been cultivating and preparing is ready to proceed once you are ready. If you are not ready to proceed, then hold back and examine what is holding…
What Does The Deck Say? October 1, 2024
Today’s cards: III of Wands, Ace of Wands, & X of Cups. You have been told to stay in your lane, but no one has told you that you can change your route. Changing your trajectory will require help from others, and not everyone willing to help you has your best interests in mind. Knowing…
What Does The Deck Say? September 30, 2024
Today’s cards: Six of Cups, Five of Cups, & Dulcess. It is good to look back on what was, and to remember the sweet times that helped you get through the sour times. It is also good to look back on those sour times with the stability that comes with hindsight. Yes, it was a…
What Does The Deck Say? September 26, 2024
Today’s cards: Knight of Swords, VI of Wands, & X of Swords. Thoughts are free, and using the thinking power of someone else means less work needed to figure things out, and now you know why everyone else has been coming to you to save them from their mistakes. And while helping each person only…