What Does The Deck Say? July 29, 2024
Today’s cards: 7 of Cups (reversed), 2 of Cups (reversed), & Justice – XI (reversed). What do you do when the relationship you have been depending on turns out to have been constructed from an assumption that was never correct? Do you continue on as if nothing had happened, hoping that the decisions you made…
Free Cartomancy Readings – July 23, 2024
Nom de Plume: Kayja Deck Used: Wyzard of Odd Tarot Request: how do I unstick myself? Card: 9 of Wands. Answer: By examining where and how you got stuck in the first place. At first, the answer appears to be the use of overwhelming force to pop you out of the stuck place and back…
What Does The Deck Say? July 22, 2024
Today’s cards: Nine of Swords, Two of Disks, & Three of Swords. You thought you had settled the matter for good and had worked out a compromise that was agreeable to all parties. But did you consider that not everyone was acting in good faith? What was supposed to be the start of recovery has…
What Does The Deck Say? July 18, 2024
Today’s cards: The Hermit, IV of Wands, & True Love. You are still strong, independent, and self-aware, but you have spent so much time in your solitude that you have forgotten how to interact with others. Stepping back into social circles will not require you to step away from what you have accomplished. It will…
What Does The Deck Say? July 16, 2024
Today’s cards: Queen of Wands, VII of Wands, & III of Wands. You have more than you think you do. More resources, more resilience, more ability to act according to your agency. Realizing that you have capability is the first step of the day. The second step is acting out on your own accord. Review…
What Does The Deck Say? July 15, 2024
Today’s cards: VII of Cups, Justice, & Queen of Cups. Be honest with yourself, and then be honest with others. This is an interesting time right now, and even your closest friends are putting on airs trying to present themselves as something they are not. Don’t worry about that. Worry about yourself. Take care of…
What Does The Deck Say? July 11, 2024
Today’s cards: VI of Wands, Strength, & Knight of Wands. Before you begin, ask yourself this: Are you seeking to prove your righteousness by virtue of your strength, or are you seeking to justify your use of strength by virtue of your righteousness? The question is a false dichotomy that has no right answer. It…