What Does The Deck Say? February 17, 2025
Today’s cards: The Empress, Knight of Cups, & II of Swords. It is good that you are aware of your responsibilities to yourself and to others. It is not good that you are holding those responsibilities in your shoulders so hard that you are starting to buckle and strain from the weight. There are others…
What Does The Deck Say? November 18, 2024
Today’s cards: The Empress (reversed), 2 of Swords, & 7 of Swords. You’re betting on your brand and reputation being all that is needed to secure the arrangement according to your liking. After all, with what you are capable of, why bother proving what everyone knows. Sit at the table with that attitude and don’t…
What Does The Deck Say? October 3, 2024
Today’s cards: The Empress, The Fool, & Ace of Wands. If you were waiting for a sign to get started, here it is. That thing that you have been cultivating and preparing is ready to proceed once you are ready. If you are not ready to proceed, then hold back and examine what is holding…
What Does The Deck Say? August 26, 2024
Today’s cards: IX of Cups, The Empress, & Queen of Wands. The good news is that you are finally being perceived the way you have always wanted others to perceive you. It is also the bad news, because the way you are now being perceived is a mask that fits very poorly over who you…
78 Tarot Cards: The Empress
“I care for what I care for, at my discretion.” The Empress is traditionally viewed as a passive figure, who has just enough agency to keep the household in check but not enough agency to do anything without the Emperor’s edict. She is often portrayed as reclining or sitting in a bountiful field ripe for…
What Does The Deck Say? June 17, 2024
Today’s cards: II of Cups, XXI The World, & III The Empress. And just how has that arrangement been working out for you? Have you been thriving and growing? Or have you been stagnating and rotting? However you measure progress, can you apply a positive marker of that measurement to what you have been receiving?…
What Does The Deck Say? May 6, 2024
Today’s cards: The Empress – III, 6 of Swords (reversed), & 7 of Coins (reversed). Hold on. Not so fast. What was supposed to be a neat grab and dash has turned into a capture and hold. While you still have what you need to get through this matter, what you don’t have is the…
What Does The Deck Say? April 15, 2024
Today’s cards: Seven of Wands, Nine of Cups, & The Empress – III. Are you fighting for what you want? Or are you fighting for what you have been told to want? Happiness looks differently for each person and will change according to the season of your life. Consider for whom you are gathering happiness…
What Does The Deck Say? February 21, 2024
Today’s cards: VII of Wands, King of Wands, & Fighter.
What Does The Deck Say? February 12, 2024
Today’s cards: The Empress – III, Queen of Wands, & Ace of Swords.