What Does The Deck Say? March 3, 2025
Today’s cards: Ace of Swords, IX of Swords, & IV of Swords. It’s Monday, and you have many plans in place and many resources available to tackle those plans. However, because it’s Monday, the moment you walk into work, you are assaulted by all the reasons why Monday has a bad rap. Stop. Don’t try…
What Does The Deck Say? February 13, 2025
Today’s cards: Hierophant, II of Wands, & IV of Swords. It feels like the matter was settled without you and that you have no other choice but to go along with the program they have detailed in advance. No, not today. Tomorrow, you can find the ill-fitting seams in their cover and the holes left…
What Does The Deck Say? December 5, 2024
Today’s cards: Four of Swords, Voyager, & Ten of Wands. As you pick yourself up from the remnants of yesterday, you tell yourself that you have rested enough and are ready to begin something grand now that you have learned your lesson. But have you, really? Your goal may be realistic but how you intend…
What Does The Deck Say? October 10, 2024
Today’s cards: Knight of Pentacles, 4 of Swords, & The Fool. You have handled everything thrown at you thus far, but this one is a little bit outside of your knowledge and understanding. It should be no problem to learn how to deal with it along the way, right? This isn’t a trip to the…
What Does The Deck Say? March 28, 2024
Today’s cards: III of Wands, Strength – VIII, & IV of Swords. You have kept trying all the usual things, and completed all the usual routines, and have been feeling completely stuck with nothing new coming to you. Have you finally reached your personal limits, or have you finally reached the limits of what the…
What Does The Deck Say? October 10, 2023
Today’s cards: Strength – VIII (reversed), Page of Swords (reversed), & 4 of Swords (reversed).
What Does The Deck Say? September 14, 2023
Today’s cards: 7 of Wands, 4 of Swords, & 5 of Swords.
What Does The Deck Say? August 17, 2023
Today’s cards: Four of Swords, Ten of Swords, & The Fool – 0.
What Does The Deck Say? July 3, 2023
Today’s cards: 4 of Swords, King of Pentacles, & 5 of Chalices.