Tag: 13 Child

  • What Does The Deck Say? July 10, 2024

    What Does The Deck Say? July 10, 2024

    Today’s cards: Tower (19), Child (13), & Snake (7). That sure is an awfully big ambitious project you got going there. Sure would be a shame if something were to happen to it because you were so sure that the project could not fail, that you did not take any exceptions into account, or took…

  • What Does The Deck Say? June 12, 2024

    Today’s cards: House (4), Garden (20), & Child (13). (No photo available today.) You have been resisting the idea for quite some time and pursuing alternatives, however, it is time to face the fact that there really is no substitute for the endeavor. If you are going to advance in this study, you are going…