Public Reading: 2014-11-11.01

Query submitted via the Free Cartomancy Readings page.

Anonymous” inquires: “What should I do to turn my life around?

Fey Tarot: 8 of Pentacles, Knave of Pentacles, & Death.

Fey Tarot: 8 of Pentacles, Knave of Pentacles, & Death.
Fey Tarot: 8 of Pentacles, Knave of Pentacles, & Death.

Find a goal that you consider worthy and above you. Start working for it. You will be the one to rescue yourself by making the very thing that takes you away from where you are now. But it will be work. And another thing, it won’t be turning your life around, as it will be leaving the life that you know behind. You’re going to have to make something new out of yourself. This will hurt in the process. You will leave folks behind that you have known for a long time. But if you want to reach that goal, that is the price you pay.

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