Public Reading: 2014-10-17.01

Query submitted via the Free Cartomancy Readings page.

Anonymous” inquires: “A general reading of life please. I just feel out of control and shedding some light would help. Thanks !

Fey Tarot: King of Pentacles, The Chariot, & 7 of Pentacles.

Fey Tarot: King of Pentacles, The Chariot, & 7 of Pentacles.
Fey Tarot: King of Pentacles, The Chariot, & 7 of Pentacles.

Too tight a grip on what you think is in your hands will only crush the thing and frustrate you. Let go. As hard as this sounds, narrow down your list of primary concerns to a select few. Work on those and the other concerns will fall into place. You can’t push the tree to grow new leaves after all. You water it and keep it safe and the tree will take care of itself. Work on what you can. Don’t worry about what you can’t. And don’t forget to be intentionally lazy every now and then. Being slow out of bed is a delightful self-care at times.

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