Public Reading: 2014-10-13.01

Query submitted via the Free Cartomancy Readings page.

Anonymous” inquires: “Can I have a general reading with the bag of bones ? Thank you!

Bag of Bones: 10 of Diamonds, 4 of Clubs, & 2 of Diamonds.

Bag of Bones: 10 of Diamonds, 4 of Clubs, & 2 of Diamonds.
Bag of Bones: 10 of Diamonds, 4 of Clubs, & 2 of Diamonds.

“Dear Diary; Today was a good day.” Excellent! Don’t let that warmth fade now that it’s night. You have the opportunity to put those warm fuzzies to good and lasting use. That thing you’ve been wanting to get started? Get started. Don’t think of it as squandering a triumphant moment. Think of it as sowing the seeds to a few hundred more. Yes, you’re only in the preparation stage now, but you won’t be working unnoticed. Before the preparations are completed, you’ll already have early results.

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