Query submitted via the Free Cartomancy Readings page.
“Anonymous” inquires: “What is this lucrative venture that keeps being brought up in readings for me ever since the end of last year – without me even asking about this – that I’m not being able to pinpoint or collect from? lol What am I missing here?”
The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle: Scythe (10), Tower (19), & Broom (11).

It’s not a beginning. It’s an end. And while what it represents is good for you overall, when it comes, it is going to feel very bad. There are certain rigid structures in your life that are going to come crashing down. The tarot Tower card is a very good analogy here. Those routines and fallbacks you have depended on are now holding you from advancing forward. The “lucrative venture” that my and other readings have hinted at is your life after the rubble stops moving. It’s going to get better. But it’s going to hurt a hella lot first.