Query submitted via the Free Tarot Readings page.
“Tired” inquires: “Can I have a reading on what has changed in the situation ? A clue.”
La Baraja Española 48: 6 Oros, 5 Oros, & 8 Oros.

What has changed: You are letting your fears of how the public may or may not respond should your scandal be known, get between you and the one(s) that can help in this situation. Don’t worry about what $UnassociatedBlogger may say about it. It’s not their problem to solve even if you share it publicly. A clue: Stop throwing money at it. This won’t be resolved with pretties, trinkets, or tokens. Think back to what set this off in the first place. Until that core break is resolved, most of what you can buy are pretty bandaids over a broken bone.