Public Reading: 2014-08-19.01

Query submitted via the Free Tarot Readings page.

Claire L.” inquires: “My brother’s dog had a heatstroke and is being kept under watch at the vet’s office. Things are not looking good. May I have a reading on how I might best help my brother through this?

La Baraja Española 48: 3 Copas, 7 Espadas, & 10 Espadas.

La Baraja Española 48: 3 Copas, 7 Espadas, & 10 Espadas.
La Baraja Española 48: 3 Copas, 7 Espadas, & 10 Espadas.

Be prepared for unexpected news. Whatever comes is going to rock him. You’ll be tasked with being his strength for a short and turbulent while. He may need someone to make important decisions for him and in his best interest. Be that person.

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