Public Reading: 2014-08-18.02

Query submitted via the Free Tarot Readings page.

Claire L.” inquires: “I would like guidance about what direction/what my next steps should be? I recently graduated and am more than a little confused. Thank you!

La Baraja Española 48: 12 Espadas, 3 Espadas, & 12 Copas.

La Baraja Española 48: 12 Espadas, 3 Espadas, & 12 Copas.
La Baraja Española 48: 12 Espadas, 3 Espadas, & 12 Copas.

Congratulations! The cards say your first step is to lock down your idealism before what you think should happen gets in the way with what will happen. In the context of your query, the 12 Espadas is pointing towards a military career. Pardon me while I give the cards a very severe and scathing stink-eye. The military is not for everyone, and for every feel-good story the recruiters will give you, there are a hundred tales of woe. Fortunately, 12 Espadas can also be interpreted as taking a hard position with one’s self, mapping out a plan of action that will leave little time for fun, but if executed, will leave you in a better station than where you started from. Either way, you have some five-year plans to sit down and map out. Allow for alternatives, and don’t forget to let your idealism out every now and then to refresh yourself.

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