Query submitted via Free Tarot Readings.
“Anonymous” inquires: “May I have a general reading, somethings keeps nagging me in a way. I can’t put my finger on it. Thanks !”
Bosch Tarot: The Star, Queen of Chalices, & 7 of Swords.

The Bosch Tarot directs you to look at the night sky and note the stars you see with the naked eye. Then, as you stand there, consider the depths of deep space that the Hubble Telescope was able to bring to our view. Then, as you reflect on that, know that the raw data is still revealing new stars for us to discover as the technology to process that data is refined. The past is gone, but the past still has new secrets for us to find. So it is with you. Stop struggling for an answer that you can seize and grasp with overconfident hands. Go over your history again, but with an eye refined by the present. What is in your past that you are now able to see with clarity?