Public Reading: 2014-07-15.01

Query submitted via Free Tarot Readings.

Anonymous” inquires: “Is there something blocking my spiritual life, or are deities just not that into me? Thanks!

Bosch Tarot: 7 of Chalices, 3 of Wands, & The Fool.

Bosch Tarot: 7 of Chalices, 3 of Wands, & The Fool.
Bosch Tarot: 7 of Chalices, 3 of Wands, & The Fool.

If you look again at your query, you’ll that is two separate questions that are not necessarily connected. Your spiritual path appears blocked. Maybe it really is. Maybe your current perspective makes it look so. What matters right now is that you do not come to a full stop and try to work out from a distance if it is, or isn’t. The only way to find out for sure, is to walk forward and find out when you get to where you think the blockage is. There is no other way to master your spiritual path. As far as the deities are concerned, the Bosch Tarot shrugged and said “Who knows?”, in that manner one does when the question is irrelevant. Don’t worry about the deities right now. Not all people are beholden to them. And some deities like to wait and see what the prospective devotee can do on their own before giving them a laundry basket of grief other stuff to fold into their life.

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