Public Reading: 2014-06-16.02

Query submitted via Free Tarot Readings.

Fellis” inquires: “I would like a career reading. I was rejected from a job that I desperately wanted, and there are many others that I never even heard back from. Just wondering if there’s anything good coming up in the future or if I have a lot longer to wait.

Thoth Tarot: 5 of Disks, Princess of Cups, & 10 of Pentacles.
Thoth Tarot: 5 of Disks, Princess of Cups, & 10 of Pentacles.

The cards suggest you’ll have four months of continued floating around before you finally get a solid job offer. Don’t spend that time moping and wringing your hands. You’re starting out in Worry right now (see also: when the cards state the blatantly obvious). Instead of letting that worry sink you to the bottom of your emotional reservoir, get yourself busy with something. As cliche as it sounds, learn something new. If you can afford it, take up a hobby. Don’t just allow yourself to sit and stew in your fears. You have a good head on your shoulders, and you’re quick of thought. Bring that ship around and let it sail.

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