Public Reading: 2014-05-26.03

Query submitted via Free Tarot Readings.

Anonymous” inquires: “I want to know if I will have any chance on getting romantic love in the future.

The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle: Heart-24, Moon-32, & Man-28.
The Enchanted Lenormand Oracle: Heart-24, Moon-32, & Man-28.

You have a very good chance at your workplace (or that place you hang out so often, it might as well be your workplace), with an equal-minded peer. ~old woman peering at you~ Mind yourself, don’t get yourself in trouble chasing that thing, and don’t make others uncomfortable in your quest. Workplace romances are not necessarily scandalous, but they make quite the fodder for gossip-hounds! ~smirks~ Having said that, the cards imply that an outside event would be the perfect backdrop to your first brazen request.

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