Paid Cartomancy Readings

Private Cartomancy Readings are now available through Ko-Fi:

Currently, the following spreads are available:

  • 1-card reading: Any question you like.
  • 3-card reading: Any one question you like if you prefer a free form answer. Or specific spreads such as “Good, Bad, & Surprise”, “Before, During, & After”, “Must Have, Must Avoid, & Wildcard”.
  • 10-card Celtic Cross: Yup. The same Celtic Cross that everyone has the same physical blueprint for, but no two readers interpret the same way.
  • 6-card Timeline: Shows the progression over time of your concern.

As other spreads become available, this page will be updated. If there are spreads you would like to see available, or a personal spread that you would like to purchase a reading for, please Contact Nox and we will have a private conversation regarding your concern.