Well, the post I had planned for this morning didn’t make it, so instead I’m going to deploy a Filler Post! Today’s random image is from my study work while I was waiting for the coffee to kick in. I present the 7 of Cups from the Universal Waite, the Thoth, and the Hermetic Kabbalah Tarot.

The HKT’s keyword for the card is “Debauch” in agreement with the Thoth, and I find the two takes on the card to be quite interesting and a grand example of why there is no One True Way to read tarot. Waite publicly speaks of illusions, while the hermeticists speak of debauchery. I’ll leave it to those with more formal education than I, to tell you why Waite, despite being a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, gave one set of meanings to the public and held another set for himself.
The differences between these three decks are sometimes subtle and sometimes glaring. If I were to anthropomorphize these decks, they would be like three old men, sitting at a chess board, arguing with each other about the proper height of game pieces, and enjoying every second of it.