What Does The Deck Say? June 17, 2024
Today’s cards: II of Cups, XXI The World, & III The Empress. And just how has that arrangement been working out for you? Have you been thriving and growing? Or have you been stagnating and rotting? However you measure progress, can you apply a positive marker of that measurement to what you have been receiving?…
What Does The Deck Say? June 13, 2024
Today’s cards: II of Pentacles, III of Swords, & IV of Pentacles. (No photo available.) You took what was presented as a low risk opportunity and was rewarded deep pain for the effort. Now you are being asked to take another risk with a greater investment and you are well justified to refuse. But, before…
What Does The Deck Say? June 11, 2024
Today’s cards: Wheel of Fortune, X of Wands, & Queen of Swords. If it feels like it’s all too much right now, that’s because it is all too much right now. The burdens that have been assigned to you are other people’s problems, but for whatever reason they currently have your name on them. Take…
What Does The Deck Say? June 10, 2024
Today’s cards: The Hierophant, Strength, & IV of Wands. There is a way to navigate the waters you have found yourself in, and this course has been proven trustworthy by the many that have gone before you, before today. You may look at the sail and question the necessity of the decoration, but you are…
What Does The Deck Say? June 6, 2024
Today’s cards: Mama Gourd, Six of Gourds, & Justice. They are supposed to because it is what they owe you. Or at least, that is what you have been telling yourself since the matter first began. You have forgotten that they owe you only because you owe them just the same. If you are withholding…
What Does The Deck Say? June 4, 2024
Today’s cards: The Hierophant, Knight of Pentacles, & The Lovers. Was it duty, or tradition, that got in the way? Regardless, it was a convenient excuse that served you well until it served you up for unexpected consequences. Now, you have a decision to make. Do you continue on the path that is expected of…
What Does The Deck Say? June 3, 2024
Today’s cards: 4 of Staves, The Wheel of Fortune, & 2 of Cups. No one is asking you to go all out and declare your love for this person. The cards are asking you to consider why you are refusing to face your feeling about that person squarely. You don’t have to tell them anything…
What Does The Deck Say? May 16, 2024
Today’s cards: Four of Cups, The Hierophant – V, & Seven of Disks. Too much of a good thing is generally not a good thing. But it’s hard to put a stop to it when it feels so good (at first). If necessary, get help from a professional or from someone that has been trained…
What Does The Deck Say? May 14, 2024
Today’s cards: 7 of Swords (reversed), 5 of Swords (reversed), & 4 of Cups. It just doesn’t give you the same rush of enjoyment as it did before, and the hardest part is that you can’t avoid admitting it to yourself now. You keep going through the routine of it because it’s what you have…