Public Reading: 2014-12-11.02

Anonymous” inquires: “Can I have a reading on my next semester?

The Bag of Bones: Jack of Spades, 5 of Clubs, & 2 of Diamonds.

The Bag of Bones: Jack of Spades, 5 of Clubs, & 2 of Diamonds.
The Bag of Bones: Jack of Spades, 5 of Clubs, & 2 of Diamonds.

Beware of homework thieves and lazy lab partners. Hoard your work and your skills. Just because you know how to get the assignment done doesn’t mean you are obligated to help everyone else. Having said that, when a legitimate offer of exchange (You help them. They give you beverages/funds/assistance.) comes your way and you have the time, take it. Never too early to learn bartering skills. But don’t work for free.

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